Cindy Crawford and Rande Gerber enjoy some pie.

What are some of the things you can't live without? A certain food? A favorite product? We asked some of the most stylish people around what they just can't live without.

Cindy Crawford is one of the world's most famous supermodels and has her own beauty line. Her husband, Rande Gerber, has founded some of the most chic nightspots in the country.

Cindy and Rande have two children, ages 8 and 6, and say the center of the family's Malibu beach home is the kitchen. Every morning, Cindy begins her day with a cup of decaf teawith a twist. "This is the key to my tea. It's vanilla powder and it's from the Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf, and I make an English breakfast tea," she says. Using the same tiny whisk and the same coffee cup every morning, Cindy says even her kids tease her about the routine. "It's almost like a grown-up hot chocolate," she says.

One of Rande's favorite things is Cindy's strawberry rhubarb pie, made from scratch. "She makes it so often that at 2:00 in the morning when I'm hungry I come downstairs, it's always there and it's just something great to munch on at all times of the day or night," he says.

Get Cindy's strawberry-rhubarb pie recipe!

The pie is also kind of a running joke at home, Cindy says. "He'll leave the plate out and the glass of milkthe empty glass of milkand my kids think it's so funny when they come down in the morning and they're, like, 'Daddy was eating pie,'" she says. "He leaves it out just so they find it. At this point, it's their routine."

Cindy Crawford and her family photos

Like many moms, Cindy loves pictures of her family. "Rande can attest to this, I love family photos, and I collect maybe three months' worth in a bowl. Then, I'll sit down one night and kind of lay it out, edit and then write captions. So if you come to my house or anyone comes over, I don't have to walk you through the album," she says. "That way if my mom's visiting, I give her a glass of wine, give her a photo album, I'll cook dinner, and she can enjoy the photo album."

Rande and Cindy also carry photos of their kids with them at all times. For Cindy's 40th birthday, Rande got her a necklace with their kids' pictures on the back. "I got the best of both worlds. I got the bling, the husband who gave it to me, and then my little kiddies," Cindy says.

Rande has matching charms on his necklace. "It's nice because we tell the kids that even when we travel, they'll be close to our heart," Rande says.

Rande Gerber's motorcycle collection

One of Rande's pride and joys is his motorcycle garage. "Clearly it's something that I could live without riding, but it's not something that I want to," he says.

Riding is an activity that pulls the whole family together, Rande says. "I think the bonding experience with my kids and now with Cindy she's got a nice bike to ride it's just something that we can all do together," he says.

Rande's favorite bike is the Harley Ultra Glide. "It's so much fun because it's such a big bike and it's got the backseat so I can go on long rides with Cindy, and I take the kids on it to school sometimes," he says.

"And we have the helmets where we can talk to each other within the helmets," Cindy says.

Cindy Crawford's favorite things from her closet

Cindy's closet houses her favorite fashion items. So what does a supermodel mom live in? T-shirts by promom couture! "I'm a mom and I live in Malibu, so most days I'm wearing jeans and a T-shirt. I love these T-shirts because they're all about being a mom, but I think they're cute," she says. "This one, for instance, looks like a Grateful Dead T-shirt, but it says, 'Grateful Mom.'"

When it's time for bed, Cindy loves the slips from La Petite Coquette in New York City. "This is what I sleep in. So I still feel sexy and they're really soft, but you can wash them," she says.

When it's time to travel, Cindy makes sure to pack her ballet flats. "When I travel, a lot of times my feet swell. So I found these Sue London ballet flats, and I love that they come in all colors," she says. "You actually look like you have a little look going on, but comfortable."

Of course, this supermodel is always thinking fashion-forward. Cindy's new favorite bag is from an Italian designer named Mauro Zagliani. "This one people don't quite know about yet, and I like having things before they're mainstream," she says.

Cindy Crawford and more of her favorite things

Cindy plays many roles at homewife, mother and even doctor! That's why she never leaves home without a natural first aid kit. "I'm a big fan of homeopathy. If I have the kids, for sure I always take this with mebee stings, mosquito bites, bruises" she says. And she never forgets her homeopathic bible, Homeopathic Medicine at Home by Maesimund B. Panos.

One thing Cindy uses every single day is a Mason Pearson hairbrush. "They are a little expensive, but I've had my hairbrushes probably for 10 years," she says.

Cindy is also passionate about her skincare line, Meaningful Beauty. "I am the biggest fan of it. I use it every day," she says. "One of our new fun products is called Glowing Serum. It gives you that beautiful healthy skin look so you don't have to cover up your face with makeup."

Rande Gerber in his bar

What's the one room in the house that Rande can call his own? The bar! "This is where I like to entertain," he says.

To help others entertain at home, Rande has developed the perfect margarita mix, along with other mixers in the Rande Gerber Midnight Bar Collection. "Pour two parts mix and you throw in one part tequila, some Don Julio, which is my favorite, shake it up a couple times," he says. "There's a perfect margarita."

Rande and Cindy enjoy some margaritas on the beach outside of their home, one of their favorite places together. Rande says it feels like they're always on vacation. "I would not choose to live anywhere but on the beach. I think we both really feel that way," Cindy says. "Rande, every time we're down here with the kids, he's like, 'See, we don't have to do anything.' You know, they find a stick and that's entertainment for hours."

Ivanka Trump on growing up

This stylemaker's last name is about as famous as it gets! At age 25, Ivanka Trump—daughter of Donald Trumpco—stars with her dad on The Apprentice, works as vice president of real estate development at the Trump Organization and just came out with her own fine jewelry line.

From a young age, Ivanka says she knew she would work in real estate development. "That is my first and my real love," she says. "There's something about real estate. I think it's partially in the blood. But there's also something so gratifying to see something that you've worked so hard on come to fruition before your eyes and hopefully stay there long after you're gone."

Born in a privileged family, Ivanka says she can see where wealth can confuse some children. "I think it is hard and I think you can see that difficulty reflect itself in the lifestyles of various wealthy children or children of very accomplished parents," she says. "So they react in two ways. They either use the negative energy that people project on themsaying they'll never live up to [their parents][and] sort of embrace that and harness that and use that to propel them forward, or it paralyzes them."

Ivanka says growing up Trump helped develop her ambition in life. Her parents gladly contributed to her education, she says, but made her work for the material things she wanted. "My parents always made me know that I couldn't feel entitled about the things in which they gave me. And that was the key for me," she says. "Everything they had, I knew to be theirs. If I wanted it, I knew what it was, I knew the benefits of ultimately getting there, but I would have to work my butt off. So that's what I've been doing."

Ivanka Trump's favorite things

Ivanka takes us inside her New York apartment for a glimpse at how she lives outside the board room. One thing she can't live without? A backgammon table. "This is actually sort of game central over here. I have Monopoly, I have Cranium, I have Clue. I'm very competitive. So even these silly childhood games I take rather seriously," she says.

She also has a fascination with monkeys. One of her favorite pieces is a garbage can featuring a drunk monkey. "I carted a garbage can back from somewhere in the south of France as a carry-on, and I'm very happy I did it," she says.

Two things Ivanka says she can't live without are her photos and a digital video recorder. "Now I can actually watch the television that I want to watch," she says.

Reading has always been a major part of Ivanka's life. "Most of my books have to do with historical fiction," she says. Right now, she's reading a book called Great Fortune about the building of Rockefeller Center. Ivanka also devours newspapers. She reads The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, the New York Post and the New York Daily News every morning. On Wednesdays, she reads The New York Observer.

Ivanka also likes to bring a touch of nature to her home. "Growing up, one of the things we always had in our house at all times was flowers. I love fresh cut flowers. Roses. Tulipswhite orchids," she says. "Clean, simple arrangements."

When she's ready to unwind, Ivanka slips on a bathrobe. "Bathrobes for me are one of those odd but absolute must-haves. I walk into my apartment, I put on a bathrobe, and that's it. I'm done for the night."

Underneath it all, Ivanka admits one addiction—ChapStick. "Love it," she says. "I have it all over my apartment. That I can't live without."

Above all, Ivanka says she loves real estate and New York City. She takes in the view from a $42 million penthouse at Trump Park Avenue. "That's the aspirational view within my building," she says. "I'm on the sixth floor of that same building, so my view is beautiful yet not quite that."

Ivanka Trump talks about her jewelry line.

Another one of Ivanka's loves is jewelry. "Jewelry makes you feel pretty, you know? It's always nice having a little sparkle by your face," she says. "Now I have the fun of having my own line. I just love it."

Ivanka says the idea of developing her jewelry line—The Ivanka Trump Collection—came about naturally. "I'd follow my mom, traipsing around New York City and the world, stealing the pieces I encouraged her to buy," she says. "So now she's exacting revenge. She's going into my store every day and clearing me out of inventory saying she's entitled to do so after 25 years of me stealing her things."

While working on her jewelry line, Ivanka says her goal was to create a nonintimidating line inspired by women. "You walk into the store setting and it looks like a female boudoir. I think you go into some of these jewelry stores, especially in high-end, and they feel like a mausoleum. They're so cold and intimidating and they're not really for women," she says. "And I think now there's a whole generation of empowered, strong women who can afford to buy their own jewelry. Not to say they don't love getting it from men as well, but there are women who will go in and see a beautiful pair of earrings and will treat themselves. And we wanted to encourage that."

Rachel Roy loves Frette sheets.

The last time Rachel Roy was on The Oprah Show, she showed off her feminine yet strong fashion designs.

Now, she's ready to share some of her must-haves.

"One of the favorite rooms in my home is my bedroom," Rachel says. To keep it "as Zen-like and spa-like as possible," she says she gets white sheets by Frette and Bed Bath & Beyond pillows and pillowcases.

Rachel Roy's favorite bath products

Although she designs clothes for a living, Rachel has a confession—her favorite article of clothing is her bathrobe. She uses it when she indulges in a bubble bath four or five times a week. "It's my way to relax and to kind of unwind," she says.

To get just the right bath, Rachel uses Jo Malone products. "I use the oil for the skin softening element, and to get bubbles I mix it with her shower gel," Rachel says.

After a bath, Rachel reaches for her Burt's Bees lotion. "We're definitely a very lotioned up family," she says. "We don't like to be ashy and we love a great scent."

One of Rachel's place settings

When guests drop by, Rachel knows how to make everyone feel at home. She has individual table settings for everyone—from her brother who likes clean lines to a friend who likes a classic touch. These settings run the gamut from fine glasses from Charlotte Moss to flea market finds.

The rest of Rachel's home is filled with items that inspire her design sensibilitylike National Geographic and Vogue magazines, seashells, good friends and old books. "I love the rare and vintage book floor at The Strand [used bookstore in New York City]," she says. "I could spend hours in here and just really, really get lost. They're really just beautifully worn and you wonder who has read them before, what lives have they lived before."

Rachel Roy's pregnancy must-haves

Now that she's three months pregnant, there are a slew of new things Rachel says she can't live without in her daily routine.

She says she gained about 80 pounds with her first baby, and her feet have already begun to swell with this pregnancy. That's why she loves her foot massager. "My shoes don't fit—I'm already half a size up. And I don't want to buy a whole new [selection of shoes]. So I'm sitting behind my desk kind of bossing my staff around trying to maintain a serious face, and then I have this going on."

Instead of reaching for an unhealthy snack, Rachel always has some Marcona almonds on hand. "I keep them in my purse. I keep them in my desk. Because if I don't have something to eat, I will grab anything and then that's a huge no-no because I'm just getting all of those empty calories off of junk because by then I'm starving."

Her other daily ritual is using Natura Bisse cream to prevent stretch marks. "This is a great product. Actually all of their products are really, really nice."

Keisha Whitaker loves a bargain

In 2006, Keisha Whitaker became a pro at walking the red carpet. Her husband, Forest, collected award after award—including an Oscar for best actor—for his portrayal of Idi Amin in The Last King of Scotland.

"Looking back at all the photos, everyone would probably think that my everyday life is just glamorous like it looks on the red carpet, and you would think that I'd be running around to all the fancy boutiques," she says. "The reality is I'm a wife, a mother of three, and I'm out to get a bargain."

Keisha loves shopping at Marshalls. "Or Mar-shalls, as I call it," she says. "I love to come here and just look around. It's bargain hunting at its finest." One such bargain is the Le Creuset teapot she found. "I can't live without this," she says.

At Target, Keisha says she heads for the Rachel Ashwell Shabby Chic line and the Dominique Cohen for Target Collection. Another of Keisha's fashion secrets are Hanes T-shirts. "I'll put them underneath maybe a light sweater," she says. "When they're old, you can use them as rags."

For her skincare regimen, Keisha shops at CVS. There she gets Pond's Exfoliating Clean Sweep Wipes and a Neutrogena MicroDermabrasion System. "This is only $34.99," she says. "At the dermatologist, this would cost hundreds."

Rachel Whitaker depends on Victoria's Secret Shapers

Even when she's shopping at more expensive stores, Keisha is still on the lookout for a bargain. "Another one of my tips is not to be intimidated by fancy department stores. They have great sales," she says. "My favorite shoe section is Neiman-Marcus. Sometimes they go to 50 percent off."

Keisha says she truly depends on Victoria's Secret's Shapers and Secret Embrace push-up bras. "I wear them under evening gowns. I wear them under tank tops," she says. "My husband says one day I'm going to get sued for false advertising."

She tops off her wardrobe with a Banana Republic trench coat. "I think it's classic and timeless. You can throw it on over anything," Keisha says. "I think every woman should have one."

Keisha Whitakers Favorite Things Basket

To celebrate her 35th birthday, Keisha took inspiration from Oprah and created a basket of her own "favorite things" to give to her friends.

Keisha's favorites are items that have been important in her life. She says Slim Jims got her through college and Schweppes ginger ale reminds her of her mother and grandmother! Another item in the basket was lip gloss from Keisha's Kissable Couture cosmetics line. The lip gloss is called the First Kiss Collection. "I named it after some boys," she says. "Some I I married. This one happens to be 'Forest.'"

Besides borrowing the idea for a "favorite things" basket, Keisha also borrowed one of the items from Oprah's past favorites. "I love Garrett's popcorn," she says. "The cheese and the caramel."

Oprah love Skinny Cow treats.

One thing Oprah says she can't live without is Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches, ice cream cones and fudge bars. They're just 90 to 150 calories each...and that makes them Bob Greene-approved.

Oprah says there's a perfect time for Skinny Cow ice cream treats. "When you're trying to eat really well and you're trying to be healthy," Oprah says. "But you need something chocolate."

Oprah loves the 'Ralph Lauren' book

One of America's ultimate stylemakers has to be Ralph Lauren. In 40 years in the fashion business, he has literally defined how we dress.

With the launch of Polo, he offered a sophisticated tweed look symbolic of the posh sport and lifestyle. He brought life to F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby and the glamour of Long Island in the 1920s. We learned we could embody the spirit of the Old West, even if we happened to live in Philadelphia or Tampa. And we embraced Ralph's trademark preppy style, inspired by the traditional look found on Ivy League campuses.

It takes a big book to document Ralph's fashion empire, and his retrospective—called, simply, Ralph Lauren—is huge. It's filled with 700 photographs and weighs 15 pounds!

"I love the book so much, I think it's the perfect gift this holiday season," Oprah says.