Tabbi's mother

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My mom has one of the biggest hearts of anyone I know. At the age of 18, she was unable to have children, so she adopted me. We were very poor growing up after my dad and mom split up, so my mom raised me as a single parent. My mom is an assistant chief of police, as well as a detective in her town. She is very good at what she does. The biggest reason I believe my mom is such a strong person comes from this—in 2000, her mom was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer with no hopes of making it. In 2001, I was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and was given 10 days to live. My mom not only took care of me, but she took care of my grandma as well while we were both going through cancer, not knowing if either one of us would survive. We were all my mom had. In July 2001, her mom passed away. She was my mom's best friend, but she had to cope fast to still help me with my recovery. My mom has always been by my side, and she deserves so much. She put aside so many of her needs and wants to take care of those around her...she is truly a great person!

Tabbi, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma