Actress Sheila Kelley talks about stripping.

Actress Sheila Kelley believes every woman can benefit from uncaging her "inner stripper." For her, stripping isn't for your guy—it's about celebrating you!

After playing a stripper in the film Dancing at the Blue Iguana, Sheila became enamored with the movement and the changes in her body from stripping. She installed a couple of poles in her house, and her husband, actor Richard Schiff, didn't object!

Word of Sheila's passion spread, and she now employs five full-time teachers for 250 students learning to strip. "Just because you're a mother or a working woman doesn't mean you can't have your sensuality and your curves," she said.

Heather dances to release her inner sexpot.

Remember Heather, who shed her pumpkin sweater in favor of a sexy new look? Well, that's not the only new trick in Heather's book!

Much to her husband's surprise, Heather has been getting pole dancing lessons from Sheila—she’s definitely stepping out of the box! Heather said she wanted to do something outrageous that would really blow her husband's mind—this ought to do it!

Sheila demonstrates a sexy new way to walk

Are you ready to find your hidden erotic creature? Sheila is here to help with some lessons in sexy movement. She says the "stripper walk" cannot be underestimated.

"We walk every day, but we don’t fall into our bodies the way we should," Sheila explained. "We walk in a very square, masculine way—we shouldn’t move like men."

So how do you do it? First, slow down and be deliberate with your body. Cross one leg in front of the other, drag the back leg through, and fall into your hip. "You want to get your breasts out there, get your butt out there!" Sheila encouraged. "Let your body go!"

The "Peel Off"

Ready for a little more? Sheila has another move in her repertoire—a sexier way to take off your shirt, called the "Peel Off."

"Take a wide stance and bend your knees," Sheila instructed. "Take that hip and send it out to Detroit. Send it! Now swing it back, take it around, and take it front."

At the same time, cross your arms in front of you, take hold of your shirt, and as you swing your hips, slowly peel your shirt up and over your head. Whether you're alone or with a friend, this move will make getting ready for bed a little more fun!

Tantric sex

A conversation with Sting and his wife, Trudie Styler, got Oprah thinking. If tantric sex works for them, maybe it can work for you!

Tantra sexuality, a 7,000-year-old tradition from India, is about connecting with your partner in such a deep way that the two of you become one through breath, sound and movement.

Lisa Schrader and husband Rick Schlussel begin with "soul gazing", staring deep into each other’s eyes. The next step is the "heart salutation," touching foreheads and breathing. "Your orgasmic energy will increase tenfold if you breathe and vocalize," Lisa said.

Maryann's boring bedroom

When Maryann quit work to stay home with her baby daughter, she put away her sex appeal. It's not only her uniform of sweats and T-shirts, but it's her bedroom that's keeping her sexpot from simmering.

"It's a total turnoff," Maryann said. "It's like a sports bar. Would you want to have sex in this room?" It's not just the beer bottles on top of the bed and [New York] Giants lamps. "I go to sleep every night with Don Mattingly saying good night to me."

With their lives revolving around work and their daughter, Maryann and her husband Mike's bedroom isn't about spending intimate time together anymore. They need some help!

Dee Dee Taylor Hannah

Architect and interior designer Dee Dee Taylor Hannah says many couples have the same problems as Maryann and Mike's passionless bedrooms.

"You need to feel comfortable [in your bedroom]," she said. The problems Dee Dee spotted include too much furniture, clutter, bad lighting, sports paraphernalia and a huge television (with video games!).

So how can they (and you) spice up a boring bedroom? Dee Dee recommends a higher bed, softer and sexier colors, good lighting and candles. We wanted to make sure Maryann and Mike's room was done right, so we're sending Dee Dee herself to transform it into a romantic oasis!