Liz Williams

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Liz Williams, Co-Producer

Favorite Oprah: Where Are They Now? guest: DANNY BONADUCE. He is the funniest and most honest person I have ever interviewed. We also share a love of curse words.

Dream Oprah: Where Are They Now? guest: Tom Hanks. He is my mountain peak, and I can do no better. (I also promised myself I can retire once I meet him.)

Dream Oprah: Where Are They Now? dinner party: The Rat Pack...though I would expect them to serenade me.

Where was I when The Oprah Winfrey Show launched in 1986? I was watching Muppet Babies.

Favorite Oprah Show moment of all time: When Stevie Wonder surprised Jake Simpson. Perfection.

Tales from the television set: I once admitted to a famous British actor that I didn’t know how to make a decent cup of tea. His reply was to promptly lead me to the nearest kettle for a tea tutorial. (Did I mention this all happened about 10 minutes before our show went live?) The stress of the day is long gone, but I still make a damn good cuppa tea!

Fun fact: I have impromptu dance parties (by myself) as I get ready for work.

Twitter handle: @Lizsugiwilliams