Julie Mirlicourtois

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Julie Mirlicourtois, Producer

Favorite Oprah: Where Are They Now? guest: Denise Richards...I loved going to her home, meeting her adorable kids (and foster dogs) and getting some mommy tips from one of Hollywood’s best!

Dream Oprah: Where Are They Now? guest: Monica Lewinsky

Where was I when the Oprah show launched in 1986? I was 7 years old, going to school and working my first job in my parents’ French bakery. Forget about a toy cash register—I was working the real thing!

Favorite Oprah Show produced: Our 2011 show with First Lady Michelle Obama. Not only did I adore her, I was so moved by the courageous military families we featured. What an honor to tell their stories.

Tales from the television set: The craziest thing I ever had to do as a producer was take Rob Pattinson (of Twilight fame) door-to-door in the Chicago suburbs to surprise his teenage fans (and their equally crazed moms). He was such a good sport!

Most surprising thing about you: I lived in France until I was 6 and have dual citizenship. And before I moved to Chicago to work on The Oprah Winfrey Show, I worked in news for 7 years. I lived in New York City and worked for Bryant Gumbel when he reported live on CBS’ Early Show that two hijacked planes were flown into the World Trade Center. At heart, I will always be a news girl.

Twitter handle: @mirlicourtois