Peter Parros and John Schneider

Judges Jim Cryer and David Harrington are walking down the courthouse hallway when they are stopped by Rose, a local reporter. "Judge Cryer," she says, "rumor has it you are running for governor. Is that true?"

Jim declines to comment, but Rose presses on. "Since I've ran my own business for 15 years and I've been a judge for eight years, I've learned a few things about balancing a budget—and also the equal scales of justice," he says.

"Sounds like you're running," she says.

Jim promises Rose she will be the first to know what he decides.

Just then, Jim's mistress—who is trying to blackmail him into paying her $100,000 and giving her a sports car—walks in between the men and beelines for Rose. "Excuse me, Rose," Candace says. "You're a reporter, right?"

Jim and David look on as Candace speaks quietly to Rose in a corner. "She's enjoying this because she's sick and twisted," Jim says.

David then asks Jim what's really going on with him and Candace. Nothing, Jim says. "Look, this girl is not going to bring down this campaign for you or me," David says. "This ends today."

Crystal Fox

Across town, Benny Young knocks on the door to wake up his mother, Hanna, who has fallen asleep with a pile of bills around her. "Oh Lord, I'm late for work," she says.

Benny says Hanna's boss, Katheryn Cryer, gave her the day off after working a party the night before. His eyes turn to the stack of bills. "Mama, you fell asleep with all these bills in the bed again last night?" he asks.

"I was trying to figure out who to pay first. I'm telling you, getting sick with no medical insurance will wipe you out," she says. "I'm so grateful this house is paid for. If I hadn't put it in your name before I went into the hospital, they would be coming after it for sure."

Another thing that brings Hanna comfort is her Bible. "Unless that Bible got $50,000 tucked in between the pages, I don't see how it's going to help this situation," Benny says.

"Child, that Bible is worth more than money," she says. "You used to love to go to church."

Hanna then tells Benny a girl named Darci from church still asks about him. She used to have braces and headgear—but no more. "You should see her now," Hanna says. "I'm going to ask her to come by for dinner after church."

Benny, who is still nursing a broken heart, declines and brings the conversation back to the bills at hand. "I wish I could do more," he says. "I thought when I got my tow truck, the money would be rolling in."

"It takes a while to build a dream sometimes, son," Hanna says. "You already moved back in here with me to help pay these bills. What else you want to do?"

Renee Lawless

Back at the Cryer residence, David's wife, Veronica, pays Katheryn a visit. "Is it true?" she says. "Is Jim running for governor or what?"

Katheryn says he hasn't decided, and Veronica urges Katheryn to get Jim excited about the idea. Katheryn herself isn't convinced, however. "I'm not sure this is something my family should be involved in," she says.

Veronica can sense something is up with her old friend. "A few months ago, you would have sold your children to be in the governor's mansion, and now all of a sudden it doesn't matter," she says.

"A lot can change in a few months," Katheryn says, asking Veronica to let it go.

"Fine, I will let it go," Veronica says, "but eventually you will tell me what you are trying to hide."

Katheryn says the run for governor just isn't important to her. "And this has nothing to do with David being lieutenant governor?" Katheryn asks.

Of course it does, Veronica says. "If Jim runs, he'll have to put David on the ticket. It just makes sense. May we please make the announcement."

"Veronica, when someone runs for office, all of their dirty little secrets come reluctantly out of the closet," Katheryn says.

"What secrets could Jim possibly have? He's a golden boy," Veronica says. "Put your pumps on; get ready. Let's plan a party. We have to announce he's running for governor."

Peter Parros and Tika Sumpter

At the courthouse, Candace sneaks into Jim's empty office and takes a seat at his desk. The door opens—but it's not Jim. David is here with a deal. He will give Candace a "scholarship" with four quarterly payments of $25,000 each, provided Candace signs a confidentiality agreement—and never sees Jim again. He also demands that Candace end her friendship with Jim's daughter, Amanda.

Candace rejects the deal. "You must not understand," she says. "You're not in control here."

Watch the scene unfold

"Young lady, it was clear to me you are used to dealing with a street-level common criminal," he says. "This is rarefied air. Be careful."

Candace restates her demands. "I want $100,000 cash today, or I will have to do a sit-down interview with Rose on the 5 o'clock news, and his hopes for governor are out the window," she says. "And don't forget my convertible."

Tika Sumpter and Tyler Lepley

Candace leaves the judge's chambers and goes to see her brother, Benny, at her mother's house—the home she's missed payments on after convincing her brother to take a mortgage out on it. "You are blowing up my phone," she says. "What's up?"

"The bank called me yesterday and said you hadn't paid the mortgage in five months," he says. "Mama could lose this house."

Candace tells Benny to relax: She's going to pay off the entire mortgage. "I'm going to get the money," she says. "All $50,000."

Benny is suspicious. "How?" he asks. "Dealing with the wrong crowd got you in this situation in the first place."

Candace tells Benny she's met a man who is crazy about her. "He's rich, very rich, and he wants me to be happy," she says.

"Is this legit?" Benny asks.

"I'm telling you the truth," she says. "I found the man of my dreams, and he showers me with gifts."

Benny is still unsettled. "I'm trusting you on this," he says. "So I don't have to sell my truck? ... I was going to sell it and pay as much of the mortgage as I could."

Candace says no. "Ever since you were a kid, you said you wanted to have a tow truck and start your own company," she says. "I'm going to get the money, don't worry."

"Thank you," Benny says.

"No, thank you," she says. "You were there for me when nobody else was."

John Schneider

Meanwhile, David knocks on Jim's door. "How did it go?" Jim says.

"Not good," David says, updating Jim on his conversation with Candace.

"Great, I only have three hours to get her the money," Jim says. "I need to figure out how to move this money without my damn wife asking too many questions."

David has an idea. "Your son's treatment at my wife's facility is going to have to be extended," he says. "And that extension is going to cost $100,000."

"How do I explain to my banker and my wife that you need it in cash?" Jim asks.

"Tell him I have an IRS problem," David says.

Before Jim calls the bank, David asks him never to see Candace again. "You know, Katheryn and I are married for the public," he says. "I have needs."

"There is nothing wrong with having needs. It's how you fulfill them that can be tricky," David says. "I know that a moment like this can have you call a few things into question. I know this is a bit of a midlife crisis, but now is not the time to sit back and quit. Now is the time to buckle down and fight. Sometimes, we sacrifice our momentary desires on the altar of destiny."

"You should be governor," Jim says.

"Four years after you," David says.

"Eight," Jim replies.

"So that means you're running?" David asks.

"I promise you'll be the first to know the decision," Jim says.

Crystal Fox

Although Hanna and Celine have the day off, they're still tending to the Cryers' needs. Celine is going on vacation, and Hanna needs to learn how to cook the lentil soup they like.

Hanna's phone rings. It's Katheryn, and she wants Hanna to come in at the last minute. Katheryn wants Celine to come in too, and Hanna tells Katheryn they're together.

Before they can leave, there's a knock. Hanna opens the front door to find a sheriff on her stoop. "I'm looking for Benjamin Young," he says. "This is a foreclosure notice. You will have seven days to vacate the premises."

Watch this scene unfold

Later, at the Cryer residence, Katheryn gives Hanna and Celine instructions to prepare dinner to celebrate a big announcement. When Katheryn leaves, Hanna breaks down. "He must have taken out the mortgage," she says. "I would have expected this from Candace but not Benny. He's a good boy."

"Don't you jump to conclusions," Celine says. "Wait till you find out the truth."

"I know the truth. He mortgaged my house," Hanna says. "I want to know why. Lord Jesus, help me."

Renee Lawless and John Schneider

Told there is going to be a big announcement, Jeffery and Wyatt drive from the rehab center to the Cryer home. Katheryn is glad to see her son looking so well. "I'm proud of you," she says.

As they wait for David and Jim to come home with Amanda, Veronica notices a bracelet on Jeffery's wrist. "Take it off before your father sees it," she says.

Wyatt says he gave it to Jeffery. "It's just a bracelet," he says.

"No, it's fine Wyatt," Jeffery says. "My dad doesn't like me to wear anything like this."

Just then, Jim, Amanda and David arrive, and Jim begins to reveal the real reason he's called everyone to together. "After giving it much thought, I wanted to gather my family, my loved ones and my dear, dear friends here to—"

The doorbell stops Jim in his tracks. Hanna opens the door to see her daughter standing on the stoop. "Sorry, I'm late," Candace says. "Getting a cab in this town is awful. I have got to get a car."

Watch this scene unfold

Tika Sumpter, Renee Lawless and John Schneider

It turns out that Amanda has invited her friend to be present for the announcement. Jim tells Amanda it's a private moment, but Katheryn says Candace can stay, asking if she'd like a drink. "Hanna, that is your maid's name, right?" Candace says. "Hanna, can I have a sparkling water, please?"

An emotional Hanna leaves while Jim continues his announcement. "I have decided to run for governor," he says.

"Let's get the Champagne," Veronica says.

But Wyatt is not in the mood to celebrate. "Have we not forgotten how really screwed up this family is?" he says. "I've already had enough scrutiny growing up with this last name. This is just great."

Wyatt storms out with Jeffery right behind him. Candace gets up to leave, but Katheryn asks her to stay for dinner. "Actually, I have an appointment," she says. "I wish I could, but this meeting is very important, and if I'm not there, it could change a lot of people's lives."

Gavin Houston and Aaron O'Connell

Upstairs, Wyatt is fuming, and Jeffery doesn't understand why. "You walk around wearing rose-colored glasses," Wyatt says. "He is so selfish."

"Don't you think it's selfish that you don't want to stand with your father?" Jeffery asks.

Wyatt is incredulous. "My father is no choir boy. My sister can't handle any pressure. My mother lives in a fantasy," he says.

Jeffery says he thinks Wyatt is overreacting.

"You think I'm overreacting? Well, let's see how everybody reacts when they find out that my father is sleeping with Candace," Wyatt says.

Wyatt explains to Jeffery that he saw them go into the study together. "You do not level those kinds of allegations without some proof," Jeffery says.

"You want proof? Okay, I'm good at getting proof," Wyatt says. "Like the proof I have about you."

"What are you talking about?" Jeffery asks.

"Don't worry about it," Wyatt says. "It's my Get Out of Jail Free card. I'll use it when I need it."

Tika Sumpter

At 4:58 p.m., Candace knocks on the door of Judge Jim Cryer's chambers. There is no answer. "Okay, Jim," she says.

Candace picks up her phone. "Hi, Rose, this is Candace. I met you earlier, and I was talking about the work you do with adopting dogs," she says. "Well, that's not really what I want to speak to you about. I have a story for you that will shake this town. It's about Judge Cryer. Can we meet?"