Heather Hemmens and Eltony Williams

After an awkward ending to game night at Alex and Brad's house, Marcie and Randal are unwinding at home, and Marcie is coming down from her wine buzz. She apologizes for drinking so much but says she was enjoying Randal's attention. Marcie tells him that it's a nice change of pace, noting that Randal started growing inexplicably distant about six months prior.

Randal denies it, but when Marcie tries to come on to him, he grows irate and tells her he's sleeping downstairs. Frustrated and hurt, Marcie stomps upstairs. Randal finds himself alone and texts Alex asking to meet.

Alex receives Randal's text in bed but pretends to be asleep when Brad walks in. Brad climbs in and begins kissing her, which raises Alex's hackles. She tells him to stop and vents her frustration about how he surprised her with game night. She demands that he never make plans without telling her again.

Joel Rush, Celine Areu and Zulay Henao

At Esperanza's house, Esperanza is cleaning Eddie up after his fight with Julius. Eddie begins chastising Esperanza for bringing this mess on them by sleeping with Julius, and accidentally wakes up his daughter, Mika, in the other room. Mika comes into the room and is alarmed to find her father hurt. Eddie hugs her and tells her he's fine, but he breaks down into tears, and Esperanza has to pull Mika away and send her back to bed.

Esperanza begs Eddie to let go of his feud with Julius, but Eddie says he won't. "You started this as soon as you ran off with that punk," he says. "You know how much I love you."

Unmoved, Esperanza tells him to get out.

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Amanda Clayton and Eltony Williams

Back at Alex and Brad's house, Alex rises in the middle of the night while Brad sleeps next to her. She slips out to the shed next door to find Randal, and, without a word, the two rush together and kiss.

After another passionate tryst, they consider their situation. Alex tells Randal that her baby isn't his, which upsets him. He explains that he has mixed feelings of friendship, guilt and jealousy toward Brad.

"He's a good guy," he says quietly. "I wish he wasn't."

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Ashlyn Areu and Aiden Turner

Upstairs, Paisley wakes Brad, claiming there's a monster in her room. When he asks whether she would like to sleep with Mommy and Daddy, he realizes Alex is gone. Picking up his daughter, Brad searches the house for Alex before putting Paisley back in bed. Looking out the window, he notices a light is on in Randal's shed and lets out a whistle. When Randal emerges, Brad asks whether he has seen Alex.

Just as Randal responds in the negative, Alex appears at the top of the stairs behind Brad. She says she was in the kids' bathroom so as not to wake him. Brad says he knocked on the bathroom door, but Alex claims she didn't hear him. After she goes back to bed, Brad peeks into the bathroom and notices that the toilet seat is up.

Edwina Findley Dickerson and Heather Hemmens

The following day, Marcie stops by Kelly's house at her friend's request. Kelly explains that she can't afford her mortgage payments. Marcie tells her that they'll put the house back on the market, but she wants to know what else is wrong. Kelly reluctantly reveals that Travis is marrying someone else, and asks Marcie not to say anything.

Kelly says that she wishes Travis had said something, or that she had acted when her instincts told her something was wrong. Marcie perks up at this. "Like when you're making love and someone else is on your mind?" she asks.

Kelly is taken aback and asks Marcie what's wrong. Marcie explains that Randal has been distant. She confides that he called her Peppa the last time they made love. Randal told Marcie that it was because she's spicy and hot, but she doesn't buy it, she tells Kelly.

Kelly encourages Marcie to get answers from her husband. "You have a right to ask questions," she says. "I wish I asked questions, or I wouldn't even be in this position."

Marcie agrees and requests that Kelly keep her problem a secret.

April Parker Jones and Matt Cook

At Burger Fast, Natalie is showing a surly Joey around the kitchen to get him up to speed for his first shift later that evening. Joey is clearly unhappy to be there, but his mother tells him not to screw up this opportunity, and she sends him off grumbling to pick up his siblings from school.

Just as Joey exits, Lushion walks in with good news: He got a job on the police force. Natalie's excitement for him is tempered, however, when she finds out that Eddie will be his partner—and when she hears what he said about wanting a black man beside him. She tells Lushion that she doesn't trust Eddie, but Lushion says he'll be careful.

Esperanza arrives to pick up Natalie, and they tell Lushion that they have to take care of "girl stuff."

Heather Hemmens, Amanda Clayton, Edwina Findley Dickerson, April Parker Jones and Zulay Henao

Natalie and Esperanza arrive at Alex's house, and the three walk over to Kelly's. They haven't heard from their friend in two days and want to know what's going on with her and her supposed engagement. When they knock, however, they find that Kelly isn't happy to see them.

She allows them to enter but is immediately on the phone with Marcie, accusing her of spilling her secret. Confused, Kelly's friends ask what is going on, and Marcie says she's coming over. After some needling, Kelly comes clean that Travis broke her heart.

Kelly apologizes to Marcie once she arrives, and the women gather on Kelly's sofa to console their friend. Esperanza and Marcie commiserate by sharing their problems with Eddie and Randal, respectively, and the women all promise to support one another.

"My mother told me one time that you don't know true love until you've loved somebody that's wrong for you," Kelly says, "and it hurts like hell."

"We're your girls," Natalie says. "We've got you."

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