Jonathan Wolken and Oprah

Oprah poses with Jonathan Wolken, a guest on the show Discovered in a Subway: Now Her Oprah Show Dream Comes True. He is the co-artistic director and co-founder of Pilobolus, a dance troupe in which performers make shapes on a back-lit screen by twisting and contorting their bodies.

The stage is set for Susan Cagle.

The crew helps band members get set up for Susan Cagle's performance of her song "Dear Oprah."

Crewmembers help the dancers put on their microphones.

After their performance of the legendary dance "Cry," Harpo crewmembers mic Dwana Smallwood and four young dancers named Desiree, Whitney, Naja and Liana so they can talk with Oprah.

Lisa Ling, Dean and Oprah

During a break in Oprah's High School Challenge, Oprah makes the sign language symbol for "I love you" that was learned by Monroe High School students on their Challenge Day. "It means, 'I've got your back,'" says Yvonne, one of the creators of Challenge Day.


Oprah greets Susan, a mother of three who says her husband physically and emotionally abused her throughout their 17-year marriage.

Audience members receive products.

Audience members receive environmentally friendly products that were discussed on the show Going Green 101: What Your Family Can Do Today.