Taylor Swift surprises Jordan.

Taylor Swift and Jordan
Shrill screams. Shocked silence. The ugly cry. You never know how people will react when they're surprised by their favorite celebrities, generous gifts or long-lost loved ones. In the past 24 seasons, Oprah and her producers have orchestrated more than 1,500 surprises. While the audience benefits occasionally—favorite things!—Oprah's guests are usually kept guessing.

In May 2009, Oprah's team orchestrated a memorable surprise during Oprah's Search for the World's Most Talented Kids finale. Jordan, Oprah's 10-year-old co-host for the day, handled her duties like a seasoned pro...until Oprah brought her favorite country star on stage!

Watch Jordan's reaction! Watch

When Grammy-nominated artist Taylor Swift walked out holding a gift for Jordan—an acoustic guitar—Jordan was beyond shocked. "Oh my God," she said. "Thank you!"

The surprises didn't stop there. "Jordan, we're going to give you an assignment to go interview Taylor while she's on tour," Oprah said. "Then, this fall, we're going to play that interview, and she's going to come on, and she's going to perform on The Oprah Show."

Josh Groban surprises Gayle King.

Josh Groban and Gayle King
Throughout Oprah's 19th season, "Wildest Dream" teams surprised people across the country—including Oprah's best friend Gayle King, editor at large of O, The Oprah Magazine in New York City.

To make one workday a day to remember, Oprah dispatched Gayle's favorite singer, Josh Groban, to her office for a special serenade. Minutes before Josh was set to arrive, Gayle called Oprah to talk about—who else—Josh Groban! "His voice does something to me," she said. "I just feel him!"

While Gayle sang some of her favorite lyrics into the phone, Josh walked into her office holding a bouquet of yellow roses. "Oh my goodness!" she screamed. "Josh is here!"

Gayle followed Josh into a conference room, which had been transformed into a romantic concert hall. As magazine staffers gathered around, Josh got down on one knee and serenaded Gayle with the song she'd just been singing on the phone, "When You Say You Love Me" from his CD Closer.

Josh Groban surprises Savanna.

Josh Groban and Savanna
Savanna, a 22-year-old audience member, says Gayle's serenade is her favorite Oprah Show surprise of all time.

"I'm a huge Groban-ite, which is what they call themselves, all the Josh Groban fans," she says. "When I watch it, I just picture myself as Gayle, and I just start crying." If she were in Gayle's shoes, she says she would react the same way...or would she?

As Savanna stands facing Oprah, Josh walks out and surprises her! Tears run down her cheeks as she follows Josh on stage for a serenade of her own.

Watch Josh's special performance of "Awake." Watch

"I'd like to sing a song for you," Josh says to Savanna. "It's a song that means a lot to me, and today, it's for you."

"For all of you who love his music, [Josh] is as good, as kind, as gracious, as humble and as grand as his music," Oprah says.

Jon Bon Jovi surprises his biggest fan, Beth Mills.

Jon Bon Jovi and Beth Mills
You voted. Oprah listened. In an Oprah.com poll, thousands of viewers chose one rock star's special delivery as their favorite surprise.

In September 2005, cameras followed Jon Bon Jovi to the home of Beth Mills, a 38-year-old wife and mother of two. For almost 20 years, Beth's family said Jon had been the "other man" in her life.

Growing up, Beth's bedroom walls and ceiling were covered with his posters. Decades later, her cubicle at work was a shrine to the Jersey rocker. After receiving more than 100 e-mails from Beth's friends and family about her Jon Bon Jovi devotion, Oprah dispatched Jon to Beth's home.

On her family's pizza night, Jon rang Beth's doorbell with dinner in hand. "No way," she said when she answered the door. "Can I get a really big hug?"

This is one delivery Beth never forgot. Since then, she says she's been to more than 15 Bon Jovi concerts.

Stevie Wonder surprises Star Search champ Jake Simpson.

Stevie Wonder and Jake Simpson
One of Stevie Wonder's biggest fans also got the surprise of a lifetime during the Oprah Show's Wildest Dreams season. Jake Simpson, a Star Search Grand Champion, came on the show to talk about his big win. Little did he know, his music idol was waiting in the wings.

As Jake began to perform, the curtains parted to reveal Stevie, leaving Jake shocked and speechless—but not breathless. Sharing the spotlight, the two sang "Isn't She Lovely" together.

Jake, who's working on his second album, says that was the most amazing day of his life.

Barry Manilow and Rosie Rodriguez
Rosie Rodriguez, a lifelong Barry Manilow fan, never saw it coming. In 2004, she went to a Chicago restaurant to tell Oprah Show producers why she's Barry's biggest fan. In the midst of her phony interview, she mentioned her favorite song, "Can't Smile Without You."

Without missing a beat, Barry sneaked in behind Rosie and began playing his hit on the restaurant's piano. "Oh my God," Rosie said. "This is so him!"

After that show, Rosie attended her first Barry Manilow concert in Las Vegas. Now, she says her favorite song is "Weekend in New England."

Paolo Presta and Oprah

Oprah and Paolo Presta
In November 2004, Oprah hit the road in her Wildest Dreams bus to visit Paolo Presta, a young man who worked at his family's grocery store in the suburbs of Chicago.

Oprah said Paolo e-mailed her many times to express his desire to leave the grocery business behind and do what he'd dreamed about since he was a child—act.

Well, his efforts paid off. Oprah came to his store to share good news. "You're going to NBC studios in Burbank," she said. "I have gotten you a walk-on, speaking role in Will & Grace!"

Five years later, Paolo is still living in Los Angeles, pursuing his dream. He says he thinks about Oprah's surprise every day and feels grateful.

Derek Jeter and John Tartaglio

Derek Jeter, Donald Trump and John Tartaglio
Baseball all-star Derek Jeter and business tycoon Donald Trump helped Oprah pull off one of her most inspiring surprises in May 2005.

They teamed up after hearing John Tartaglio's story. At 17, this athletic high school student contracted a rare muscle-eating bacteria. Doctors were forced to amputate his legs and part of his arm.

John's family and friends wrote in about his courage and his biggest passion—the New York Yankees. Derek helped make John's major league dream come true by surprising him at a high school pep rally and whisking him away in Donald's helicopter. They spent the day at Yankee Stadium, practicing with the entire team.

Four years later, John is preparing to graduate from college and begin medical school applications. He says he's now able to walk with prosthetic legs, and soon, he'll start training for his first marathon.

Clemantine and Claire see their family for the first time in 12 years.

Wamariya Family Reunion
Many viewers will never forget Clemantine and Claire Wamariya, sisters who escaped the Rwandan genocide. After witnessing the murder of family members, they hid for 100 days and then spent six years in refugee camps across Africa. They didn't know if their parents were dead or alive, so in 2000, they immigrated to America.

The sisters continued to search for their loved ones, contacting the Red Cross, UNICEF and other organizations for assistance. Then, one day, an acquaintance told Clemantine and Claire the news they hoped to hear—their mother and father were alive.

The family reconnected over the phone, but Clemantine and Claire hadn't seen them in person since the genocide began 12 years earlier. As the girls stood onstage, Oprah announced that she'd flown their parents to Chicago for a surprise reunion. Tears streamed down the girls' cheeks as they embraced the family they thought they lost.

Watch the family's emotional reunion. Watch

Clemantine continues to thrive. She says she's doing a post-graduate year at a Connecticut boarding school before heading to Yale University. Her family is also doing well. "I have good news," she says. "The whole family—my dad, my mom, my sisters, all my siblings—are in the United States now, right in Chicago."

Princess Fannie and Nate

Princess Fannie
Fannie Eugene's live-to-give spirit was so inspiring, she received two Oprah Show surprises! In February 2003, Oprah donned a crown and scepter to bestow a very important honor—Princess for a Day—on Fannie.

According to friends and family, Fannie's generosity was legendary. After the death of her younger sister, Fannie took in her nephew and two nieces and raised them alongside her children. To support her family, she worked as a housekeeper and nanny.

To give her the royal break she deserved, Oprah treated Fannie to maid service for a year, an all-expenses-paid trip to New York City and a new set of wheels.

Then, in 2005, Fannie and her family lost everything to Hurricane Katrina. Her new van helped them safely escape the storm, but two years after the storm blew through, Oprah found out that Fannie's family was still living in a FEMA trailer. "So we pulled out the throne, invited Princess Fannie back and hooked her up," Oprah said.

Nate Berkus jumped in to help finish Fannie's home and decorate each room personally. Fannie says she loves her home so much, she held her niece's wedding there in the summer of 2008.

Oprah surprises Nancy, Tom Cruise's biggest fan.

Tom Cruise and Nancy
Who can forget Nancy, Tom Cruise's biggest fan? In 2001, Oprah ventured onto the stage in her bathrobe to make this memorable surprise happen. Cameras rolled as Oprah told Nancy she was coming to Chicago to meet Tom, the man of her dreams.

Watch her unforgettable reaction. Watch

Then, seven years after that initial surprise, Oprah Show producers surprised Nancy at her office. "Please do not tell me that Oprah Winfrey is inside that camera again!" she said. "Is Tom Cruise here somewhere?"

As Nancy tried to get ahold of herself, Oprah revealed her second big surprise. "Tom is coming back right here to this very studio, and he asked that I ask you to come back," Oprah said.

To this day, Nancy says she gets recognized everywhere she goes, and she'll always be Tom's number one fan.

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