Warning: May contain spoilers
Questions and Topics for Discussion

1. What potential do Elizabeth, Renata and Grant see in Victoria that she has a hard time seeing in herself?

2. While Victoria has been hungry and malnourished often in her life, food ends up meaning more than just nourishment to her. What significance does food take on in the book?

3. Victoria and Elizabeth both struggle with the idea of being part of a family. What does it mean to you to be part of a family? What defines family?

4. Why do you think Elizabeth waits so long before trying to patch things up with her long-lost sister Catherine? What is the impetus for her to do so?

5. The first week after her daughter's birth goes surprisingly well for Victoria. What makes Victoria feel unable to care for her child after the week ends? And what allows her to ultimately rejoin her family?

6. One of the novel's big themes is forgiveness and second chances—do you think Victoria deserves one after the things she has done (both as a child and as an adult)? What about Catherine? And Elizabeth?

7. What do you think of the structure of the book—the alternating chapters of past and present? In what ways do the two story lines parallel each other, and how do they diverge?


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