Every time we lose control to anger, fear, jealousy and rage, we give those feelings to have power over us. When we allow ourselves to feel those emotions instead of just "acting out," we begin the work of building authentic power. The creation of authentic power is a process—and once you create it, it can never be taken away from you.

Get Your Power Back in 4 Steps:

Step 1: Whenever you are feeling a painful feeling, stop and become aware of what you are feeling.

Step 2: Remind yourself that the thoughts and feelings you're experiencing are coming from a part of you that's frightened by the thought that you're not good enough.

Step 3: Ask yourself: "Do I want my decisions to be made by a part of me that is frightened?"

Step 4: Ask yourself: "What would I do in this situation if I were compassionate and wise?"

There is learning potential in every decision you make, as well as consequences. You must accept the responsibility for every one of your decisions.

Gary Zukav is the author of four consecutive New York Times best-sellers, including The Seat of the Soul. Learn more about his work here.

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