Importance of Peepholes
Former Senior Designer for the U.S. Department of Justice and home safety expert Al Corbi offers tips on how to secure your home from the inside out.

Tip #1: A front door with no peephole—or one that's too high—won't provide any security. Make sure your front door has a peephole at a level that everyone in the family can see through.

Replace Chain Locks
Tip #2: A chain lock on a door is not strong. If the door is opened, just a simple push on the door will pull the screws right out of the doorframe. A better way to keep intruders out is a doorstop that screws into the floor, making it nearly impossible to open the door further.

Where to Install Dead Bolts
Tip #3: Reinforce your doors by installing dead-bolt locks directly across from each hinge. This way, the door is equally stable on both sides.

Keep Criminals Out
Tip #4: Window locks may help you feel secure, but they're very easy to tamper with. Simple metal pins placed in the window frames won't allow the window to move any further, keeping criminals out.

Fight Crime with Light
Tip #5: Thieves don't like light. You can surprise them with motion detectors hooked up to lights and appliances throughout the house.

Sound the Alarm
Tip #6: Burglars also hate noise—so equip windows with alarms that emit a piercing sound when they're set off.

Prevent Break-Ins
Tip #7: Treat windows with a protective covering. Someone can hit the window, but even if it breaks, the covering will hold the shards in and keep the criminal out.

Create a Safe Core
Tip #8: Create a "safe core" by installing a steel door in a particular area of your house. Even if an intruder gets in, they won't be able to get to you through that door.