We're not talking about spot reduction, because we all know that's a myth. This HIIT routine, created by Jason Tran, an instructor at the Fhitting Room, in New York, targets extra weight in your midsection on two fronts. Research shows that HIIT helps eliminate belly fat in addition to overall weight loss, while the ab-centric moves ensure that once you lose that layer of fat on top, your abs are defined. (Yes, you have abs. Everyone does, even if you can't really see them right now.)

The Workout
Do each movement for 30 seconds before moving directly into the next move. Rest for 1 minute after you've completed all of the movements, then repeat the circuit.

Alternate between bringing your arms out to the side and overhead, and to the front and overhead.

Lie on the ground with your right knee bent, right foot planted on the ground and your left leg extended out and lifted about 6 inches off the ground. Your left arm should be by your side on the floor, and your right arm should be extended over your head.

Contract your abs to lift your torso off the ground and up into a seated position while keeping your left leg straight and lifting it towards the ceiling. Hold for a second at the top of the move, then keep squeezing your abs as you return to starting position. Repeat for 30 seconds, then switch sides.

Get into a side plank position on your left side, maintaining a straight line from your shoulders to your feet so your hips don't drop. Make sure your left elbow is directly beneath your left shoulder. If this is too challenging, take your right leg and cross it over your left leg, so that your right foot is planted on the ground in front of your left knee for support. Hold for 30 seconds on the left side, then switch to your right side.

Starting in a pushup position, alternate driving your knees into your chest one at a time, keeping your non-driving leg stationary as you do. Try to go at a quick pace to get your heart rate up. Keep your shoulders directly over your wrists and don't let your hips rise toward the ceiling—as you get tired, you'll want to raise your hips and bring your shoulders back towards your feet.

Think of these as burpees without the jump after you stand up (cue the collective sigh of relief). Starting in the mountain-climber position, hop both feet forward so they're just a few inches behind your hands—your lower body should be in a squat position. Stand up straight, then bring your hands back to the floor, get back into the lower-body squat position, and jump your legs back to starting position.

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