Andrea Metcalf demonstrates the side walk leg kick.

Side Walk Leg Kick—Step 1
The best thing about each of these exercises is that they work on multiple body parts at once. Try each one, alternating with a three-minute cardio element, such as jumping rope or walking stairs, for a total body 20-minute workout.

Start with a resistance band around your ankles.

(Move continues on next slide.)

Andrea Metcalf demonstrates the side walk leg kick.

Side Walk Leg Kick—Step 2
Step to the side and lift your back leg to the back corner. Now lower your foot and step again to the side. Move 10 steps, then repeat in the other direction. If you don???t have resistance cuffs or stretch bands, perform the squat deeper and lift your kick leg a little higher.

Andrea Metcalf demonstrates the plank three-count combo.

Plank Three-Count Combo—Step 1
Start in a plank position.

(Move continues on next slide.)

Andrea Metcalf demonstrates the plank three-count combo.

Plank Three-Count Combo—Step 2
On count 1 bring your knee to chest.

(Move continues on next slide.)

Andrea Metcalf demonstrates the plank three-count combo.

Plank Three-Count Combo—Step 3
On count 2, kick your leg straight. On count 3, cross over the other. Now switch legs and perform 20 alternating combos.

Andrea Metcalf demonstrates the V-twist.

V-Twist—Step 1
Start in a seated position. Lift your legs and extend your arms parallel to your legs.

(Move continues on next slide.)

Andrea Metcalf demonstrates the V-twist.

V-Twist—Step 2
Bend your arms to your chest; rotate and twist. Extend back to starting position and perform on the other side. Lower your feet and sit tall. Repeat this for 15 to 20 repetitions. If it's too hard for you, keep your feet on the floor for the entire exercise.

Andrea Metcalf demonstrates the plank row and reach.

Plank Row and Reach—Step 1
Start with a dumbbell—between 3 and 5 pounds—in one hand, extended to the front in a plank position. Now pull the weight to your hips.

(Move continues on next slide.)

Andrea Metcalf demonstrates the plank row and reach.

Plank Row and Reach—Step 2
In one move, twist toward the ceiling and reach. Return to starting position and perform 12 to 15 reps on each side. Beginners can opt to leave one knee on the ground throughout the movement.

Keep Reading:
6 post-run stretches for joggers
Work your core with stability ball exercises
Build a better body and better friendship

As a reminder, always consult your doctor for medical advice and treatment before starting any program.