savoyard gratin

Photo: Quentin Bacon

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The Only Gratin You Really Need
Potato gratin is a classic French dish wherein thinly sliced spuds, soaked in a heady mixture of milk, cream and cheese, are baked until they're bubbling. It isn't hard to make this ultimate comfort-food dish, but this recipe from The Essence of French Cooking, by Michel Roux, explains how to get the dish perfect every time. First, use Comté, Gruyére or Emmentaler cheese; each melts like a dream and has a slightly sweet note. Second, include a fresh grating of nutmeg to give the dish a warm, fragrant taste. Finally: Rub the inside of the baking dish with a cut garlic clove before you pile the potatoes in to give everything a subtle kick.

Get the recipe: Potato Gratin Savoyard