oprah samantha sutton

Harpo, Inc./Photographer: Jose Tutiven

Meet three women who decided to â€Ã...“Live Fully” with Weight Watchers for a total mind-body transformation. Still eating the foods they love, they made the choice to step up and become stronger than ever.

”You have to want it. Once I wanted it, I got it and I took it.”
Samantha; Syracuse, NY
Lost 45 pounds*

â€Ã...“I’ve always been overweight. Outwardly, I was bright and bubbly â€â€Ã...“ Sam: the funny one. I made everyone else laugh thinking if they were laughing at my jokes they weren’t laughing at me. Inwardly, I hated it. I was embarrassed by my physical appearance and I knew I need to change. The first Weight Watchers meeting that I walked into I was ready â€â€Ã...“ ready to transitional to a healthier place in life.”

â€Ã...“Once I lost the first 10 pounds, I knew it could be done. I felt excited because I knew other things were going to change. I realized I needed a clear vision of my goals. I created vision boards â€â€Ã...“ one for work, one for home. I had my boys help me out with it so they knew as a family, change was going to come. And it did.”

*People following the Weight Watcher’s plan can expect to lose 1-2 lbs. per week.

samantha sutton

Harpo, Inc./Photographer: Jose Tutiven

â€Ã...“Losing weight this time was different, because Weight Watchers is a lifestyle change. I used to think I had to have coffee, like coffee was my energy. Now because I eat better, I don't feel sluggish when I get up in the morning or after I have a snack. I also keep myself centered by walking. My friend and I walk out in the country and just look at the scenery. It's gorgeous, it’'s calming, it's relaxing. It's my 'me time' and I love it.

I've still been able to have my mom's night out and have a glass of wine. I've still been able to enjoy my French fries...now I bake 'em as opposed to frying them and watch my portion control.

Life is more exciting; it's more adventurous; it's more physical because I’m always trying to get out and do something.”

â€Ã...“I feel more excited and optimistic; it’s like I shed bits of depression and anxiety along with those pounds. I went from saying â€ËÃ...“I can’t do it’ to â€ËÃ...“I can succeed, I will succeed, I have succeeded, I am succeeding.’ Nothing can hold me back now.”

*People following the Weight Watcher’s plan can expect to lose 1-2 lbs. per week.

kylei cucinella oprah

Harpo, Inc./Photographer: Jose Tutiven

"If you're not healthy, you can't be there for the people who need you the most."
Kylei; Madisonville, LA
Lost 73 pounds*

â€Ã...“My weight became an issue when life just really slapped me in the face with reality-checks. Losing our house in Hurricane Katrina. My mom getting diagnosed with cancer. My niece becoming very ill as well. We spent a lot of time at the hospital so every meal was fast food. The combination of long hours and stress and eating and not exercising was just a recipe for disaster.

I suffered with migraines five out of seven days a week, my blood pressure was high. I was always angry and I didn't know why. I was broken, really. I was an emotional eater, and it unfortunately it took its toll on my body."

"The moment I knew I needed to join Weight Watchers was looking at pictures from Christmas. In photos, I hid behind the kids because I was so ashamed of my body. Every picture was from the neck up, or I would look at a picture and delete it. When you sit back and realize you're deleting memories with your kids because you're not happy with the way you look, something has to change.

I dedicated all of 2016 to being a better me. I joined the first Weight Watchers meeting I could find the first Monday after the New Year, and I haven’t looked back since."

*People following the Weight Watcher’s plan can expect to lose 1-2 lbs. per week.

kylei oprah

Harpo, Inc./Photographer: Jose Tutiven

â€Ã...“I’ve just shifted out any negative thoughts, any negativity of who I once was. I just have the best mindset of staying on track, being healthy, and being a better person for myself, my husband, my kids, my family, and my friends. And my family thrives on that. We’re closer than ever, because we can do all of these things that I just never had the energy to do before.

I still can do everything that I love—There was nothing that I had to give-up. I mean I still eat bread, I still can have sweets, I still can have chips. So there isn't anything that I gave up; I just made better choices. I've been able to lose 73 pounds while eating chips and drinking wine. When you tell yourself "oh you can't have those things," you're setting yourself up for failure.

â€Ã...“My main goal for the future is to maintain a healthy lifestyle. I want to be a role model to my daughter, family, and friends. The program has really been life-changing for me and I want to continue what I’m doing.”

*People following the Weight Watcher’s plan can expect to lose 1-2 lbs. per week.

sophie webb oprah

Harpo, Inc./Photographer: Jose Tutiven

”Once I let go of the food restrictions, it opened the door for fun.”
Sophie; Ellington, CT
Lost 55 pounds*

â€Ã...“For ten years I was trying different diets and basically restricting food groups. I didn’t really know much about weight loss or how to do it properly. So, after every diet I would lose weight and gain it all back plus some.

(The last attempt) before I joined Weight Watchers was for my wedding. I tried to lose weight and then it didn’t work and I ended up heavy in some of the most memorable pictures of my life. When I stepped on the scale and saw the highest number I had ever seen, I said â€ËÃ...“I’m done with diets; I just want to try something else.’ And I walked into Weight Watchers.”

â€Ã...“After the first few weeks on the plan there was a turning point where I knew that this was going to work. I was talking to my Weight Watchers leader about macaroni and cheese...a family favorite...how I made it and didn’t have any and â€ËÃ...“What am I going to do? I just feel so sad.’ And she said â€ËÃ...“You need to make mac n’ cheese work in your life.’ I knew then this was the plan for me.”

*People following the Weight Watcher’s plan can expect to lose 1-2 lbs. per week.

sophie webb

Harpo, Inc./Photographer: Jose Tutiven

â€Ã...“Losing weight was boring and I didn’t want to do it anymore. The reason that Weight Watchers worked for me is that it wasn’t a diet. I could have all the foods that I wanted and I was able to incorporate activity in my life in a way that worked for me. I used to be quite sedentary and now there’s not a day that goes by that I’m not doing something whether it’s walking, running, biking—and that feels wonderful.

There have been so many moments of joy in this journey...pivotal moments where it wasn’t necessarily the number on the scale but how I felt, how I looked at myself in the mirror differently. I think that I’ve had fun and I continue to have fun. It had to be exciting otherwise I wasn’t going to stick with it. And this plan makes it possible.”

â€Ã...“The sense of control over my life feels different now. It used to be that I would reach for whatever food I was craving with the mentality of â€ËÃ...“I’m starting a new diet on Monday so I’d better eat all the cake today.’ Now I feel so much more in control because nothing is off-limits. I can have cake. I’m not going to have cake every day, but I can plan for it.

Even when I was at my heaviest, I was still happy, but my confidence got crushed and I didn’t feel like the outside reflected the inside anymore. Now it’s totally flipped...now the outside is actually reflecting what’s been there all along.”

*People following the Weight Watcher’s plan can expect to lose 1-2 lbs. per week.

oprah group dinner weight watchers

Harpo, Inc./Photographer: Jose Tutiven

You don’t have to choose between weight loss and living well. Embrace a life full of great food, good health, inspiring friends, and so much more. Click here to start living fully with Weight Watchers today.