
Photo: Thinkstock

4 of 5
The Misunderstood Little Fish
Cost: $3.30 for a 2.8-ounce jar

Poor anchovies—they just need a little respect. Banish the thought of entire raw ones sitting on pizza or Caesar salad and follow Rose's advice. She thinks of them as seasoning, an ingredient that adds a deeply flavored, salty-in-a-good-way (but not at all fishy) taste to almost any food (they're a revelation with cauliflower). She likes to buy the kind that come in jars, packed in oil. She dices two or three, adds them to a pan with garlic and olive oil, and then tosses in some vegetables. The reaction, Rose says, will be something along the lines of, "Mmm, that's delicious. How did you do that?"