Serves 4

Active time: 40 minutes
Total time: 1 hour 20 minutes


2 tsp. finely grated lime zest
1½ Tbsp. lime juice
1 Tbsp. olive oil
4 (6-ounce) boneless, skinless chicken breast halves
1 avocado
¾ cup buttermilk
½ cup chopped parsley
¼ cup chopped white onion
3 Tbsp. white wine vinegar
2 Tbsp. chopped tarragon
¾ tsp. salt
¼ tsp. black pepper
1 large red onion
2 (7") pitas
2 romaine hearts


In a large shallow dish, combine lime zest, lime juice, and olive oil. Add chicken breast halves and coat well. Refrigerate 1 to 2 hours.

In a food processor fitted with a metal blade, combine avocado (pitted and peeled), buttermilk, parsley, white onion, white wine vinegar, tarragon, salt and black pepper, and process until smooth. Transfer to a bowl and cover until ready to serve.

Preheat grill on medium-high heat. Season chicken with ¾ tsp. salt and ½ tsp. black pepper. Grill until marks form, 5 minutes. Then flip and grill until cooked through, 7 minutes more. Transfer to a platter to rest 5 minutes, then slice. Meanwhile, drizzle red onion, sliced into ½"-thick rings, with olive oil and grill until nicely charred, 4 minutes per side. Rub olive oil on pitas and grill until lightly crisp, 1 minute per side; cut into croutons. Increase heat to high. Halve romaine hearts, drizzle cut sides with olive oil, and season with a pinch of salt. Grill until lightly charred, 1 minute, flip, and grill 1 minute more. Arrange grilled romaine, chicken, onion, and pita croutons on 4 plates and drizzle with reserved dressing.


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