Carlana meets Blair Cobb.

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Carlana approaches a complete stranger on the street and realizes that, as she says, "fate has stepped in."

Roger Cobb's 16-year-old stepdaughter, Blair, is developmentally disabled. "She can't communicate, she can't walk unassisted, she can't potty, she can't feed herself," Roger says. "We've been looking for ways to help her with communication because she does respond to sight and sound."

The story resonates with Carlana because she has a nephew with special needs. "Immediately, I knew that this challenge, the Cobb family, became my purpose," she says. "My biggest frustration right now is that I have 43 hours left, and that's not a lot of time to help a family."

After meeting the rest of the Cobbs, Carlana learns that on top of needing more resources for Blair, they also need help sending her brother, Brice, to college.

Carlana knows that she must make miracles happen. "I cannot let this family down."