The Bacara Resort

Oprah's Legends Ball was held at the Bacara Resort in Santa Barbara, California.

Fireplace mantel

The fireplace mantel is decorated with candles and flowers.

'A Bridge to Now'

"A Bridge to Now"

Andre Walker and Colin Cowie

Party planner Colin Cowie brings drinks to Oprah as she gets ready.

Oprah, Andre Walker and Reggie Wells

Oprah's hairstylist, Andre Walker, and makeup artist, Reggie Wells, help Oprah get ready for the Legends Ball.

Gayle King gets ready

Oprah's best friend Gayle King puts on her dress.

The grand ballroom

The space is transformed into a 1940s art deco glamorous ballroom.

Table of Honor

The Legends will be seated at the Table of Honor.

Table setting

The table setting reflects the colors of the evening — red, white, black and silver.


Smaller tables flank the Table of Honor.


The smaller tables are decorated with white and silver accents.


A gathering area outside of the ballroom.

Garden tables

Garden tables are scattered outside for conversation areas.

Courtyard fountain

A beautiful fountain sits in the courtyard.

Place cards

Place cards for the guests.

Wait staff

The wait staff prepares for the gala.


Oprah smiles for the camera! Renowned photographer Kwaku Alston takes her portrait.

Oprah and Colin Cowie

Oprah and Colin Cowie make their grand entrance and prepare to greet the guests!

Guests arrive at Oprah's Legends Ball.