Oprah on stage at the Sydney Opera House

Photo: George Burns/Harpo Studios

It's the star-studded finale everyone's been waiting for. Oprah takes her final waltz onto the stage at the Sydney Opera House, saying, "Take it from me: You have not lived until you've waltzed your way through Australia."

Oprah at her first U2 concert in Australia

A self-described "U2 virgin," Oprah kicks off the show by sharing her very first experience attending a U2 concert—with her Ultimate Viewers. After a backstage visit with Bono and the gift of a guitar from the band, Oprah joins the 70,000 concert-goers screaming and singing along with these rock legends.

Bono and Oprah

Photo: George Burns/Harpo Studios

Bono steps onto the stage at the Opera House to talk about his 30 years in the spotlight, success and the importance of staying relevant after several decades.

“You have to dig very deep when you're going to the studio, and you have to try and surprise yourself first,” Bono says. “If you do that, I think you can surprise your audience and that's what keeps you relevant.”

Hugh Jackman zip lines

It wouldn't be a true trip to Australia without a visit from one of Oprah's favorite Aussies—and no one makes an entrance like Hugh Jackman.

Watch Hugh's headline-making entrance   

Yet, it wasn't all smooth sailing. Despite a flawless rehearsal, things don't quite go as planned.

"The brake was stopping so quick [in rehearsal]," he recalls. "So, I'm coming down, and I see everyone ... I see you, and I went, 'Probably time to brake now. Oh, it's not going to stop.' Bang! Totally my bad."

Oprah and Hugh Jackman eating Vegemite

Photo: George Burns

All patched up, Hugh takes on the honor of introducing Oprah to an iconic Australian food: Vegemite.

Watch Oprah try Vegemite for the first time   

"I like it!" Oprah says.

See other Aussie food favorites

Anna, ultimate viewer

It's hard to stand out in an audience full of Ultimate Viewers, but when Oprah heard about Anna from the small North Queensland town of Weipa, she had to invite her as a special guest.

Anna says she's watched The Oprah Show for decades, and once drove for three days and flew for 23 hours just to see Oprah in New York City. Anna never thought she'd be able to attend a show taping in Sydney until Oprah's producers surprised her with an invitation. "There's a lot of dreaming that's just happened!" Anna says.

Keith Urban and Nicole Kidman

Photo: George Burns/Harpo Studios

Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban join Oprah on stage for their very first interview together, right in their home country. Though they live in Nashville now, these two superstars try to come back to Australia whenever they can. Nicole says it's very relaxing.

"When we're here, we tend to enjoy ourselves," she says.

Olivia Newton-John shows off the pants she wore in Grease

Photo: George Burns/Harpo Studios

She was the first famous Australian that Americans fell in love with. Olivia Newton-John arrives in Sydney with the infamous black pants she wore in Grease 32 years ago.

"A body was in here!" Oprah says. "Look at this."

"Just to think it was mine once too," Olivia says.

Olivia Newton-John's spa, Gaia Retreat

Olivia owns a luxurious spa—called Gaia Retreat—near Byron Bay, and she personally welcomed Oprah Show Ultimate Viewers for a day of pampering in paradise.

Go inside Gaia Retreat with Olivia Newton-John   

Road trip ladies

Earlier this year, Oprah surprised a group of best friends with the road trip of their lives and an invitation to Australia. When they arrived Down Under, they were sent straight to Tasmania where their road trip continued.

Back in Sydney, Oprah surprises the women once again. "I heard that you ladies talked about getting tattoos as a way to remember this trip," she says. "I think you can do better than that. ... The Argyle Diamond Mine wanted to make sure you all remembered this trip so they are presenting you with six diamond necklaces!"

Oprah on stage at the Sydney Opera House

"Guess what, my Aussie friends," Oprah says as she turns to the audience. "The folks at the mine did a little more digging and found 6,000 more necklaces!" Everyone in the audience is going home with some sparkle to remind them of this experience.

These white gold and diamond necklaces are provided by Rio Tinto's Argyle Diamond Mine, a mine in Western Australia that's home to the world's largest treasure trove of colored diamonds.

Find out more about Argyle Diamond Mine and Rio Tinto Diamonds

Qantas Choir

To close the show, the Gondwana National Indigenous Children's Choir, Australian Girls Choir and National Boys Choir of Australia take the stage for an unforgettable performance of "I Still Call Australia Home."

Nicole Kidman, Keith Urban, Hugh Jackman, Olivia Newton-John and Russell Crowe singing on stage at the Sydney Opera House

Photo: George Burns

As the song continues, some of Australia's favorite celebrities join in—Hugh Jackman, Olivia Newton-John, Keith Urban, Nicole Kidman, and a surprise appearance by Russell Crowe.

Watch the entire star-studded performance   

Australian flag rolling out over Oprah's audience

Photo: George Burns/Harpo Studios

The song comes to a close and the Australian flag is rolled out over the audience.

"Thank you for making me an honorary Aussie," Oprah says. "We will never forget all the love and we will never forget all the grace and we will take home the memories that will live inside us forever. ... There's no question I'll be back."

Watch Oprah's final goodbye speech to the Australian audience   

More from Oprah's Ultimate Australian Adventure