Denver School of Science and Technology

About the School:
The Denver School of Science and Technology (DSST) is a free, open-enrollment public school serving middle and high school students. Founded in 2004, DSST is a college preparatory liberal arts school with a science and technology focus. All students are required to complete a rigorous curriculum—which includes pre-calculus, five years of high school science, an internship and a senior project—to graduate.

The Students:
DSST reflects the racial and economic diversity of Denver. Students attending DSST are from all neighborhoods across the Denver-metro area and are selected through a random lottery. There are no admissions criteria for students, nor is there tuition.
  • 45 percent of DSST students are economically disadvantages
  • 60 percent are Hispanic or African-American
  • 50 percent are first-generation college bound
  • Most students enter DSST at least one grade level behind in math and English
Academic Results:
One hundred percent of DSST's first graduating class was accepted into four-year colleges, including Stanford, MIT, Pomona, Cal-Tech and Wesleyan.

In 2007 and 2008, DSST outperformed every other high school in Denver in both student learning growth and absolute student performance.

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