Istanbul, Turkey, is a city of two continents—Europe and Asia. Nuvide, an Istanbul resident, lives on the European side and can see Asia from her window.

A progressive Muslim country, women are free to wear whatever they like, and Nuvide says Turkish women love to shop. "Woman is woman everywhere in the world," she says. "We shop till we drop, but we usually shop for shoes."

Education is a priority for women, but family often comes first. "You can finish two universities. You can do PhD and master's degrees," she says. "But there is a reality that a woman of Turkey—at 32 years, on average—quits her job because the family and the children are more important."

The Turks also have a unique way of saving. People collect gold coins and keep them under their pillows—not always in banks. "If there is an economic crisis, you can pull your bag out from under your pillow or under your bed full of the gold coins and the crisis is solved," she says. "It's a very good way for saving."


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